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Tariffs for Data Exchange Services through the Financial Automated System for Transport Information (FASTI)

Cost per 1 (one) Kilobyte of transmitted information:

  • Minimum monthly fee per one client workstation regardless of the connection date and the volume of transmitted information (less than 511 Kilobytes) — 1,936.69 tenge, excluding VAT.
  • Cost for retrieving information from the NPK archive regarding the passage of one electronic message (from 6 months to 2 years from the date of message entry into the system) — 1,000.00 tenge, excluding VAT.

The tariffs for services provided by the Joint-Stock Company “National Payment Corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” in 2023 were approved by the resolution of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 29, 2022, No. 90.