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Anti-corruption standard of JSC “NPC NB RK”
31.10.2017 Object of internal analysis of corruption risks: activities of the payment card department of the JSC “National payment corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter referred to as the division). Internal analysis of corruption risks was carried out in accordance with the Standard Rules for Conducting Internal Analysis of Corruption Risks, approved by Order №12 of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption dated October 19, 2016, by the working group on the basis of the order of the Director General of the JSC “National payment corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter – NPC) dated September 04, 2017 №123/1-P.
1.Identification of corruption risks in regulatory legal acts affecting the activities of the unit.
The Division carries out its activities in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, “On State Property”, “On payments and payment systems”, Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 31, 2003 №1271 “On approval of the Regulations and Structure of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The Working Group studied regulatory legal acts affecting the activities of the unit. According to the results of the analysis of discretionary powers and norms that contribute to the commission of corruption offenses, it was not revealed.
2. Identification of corruption risks in the organizational and managerial activities of the unit.
In the organizational and managerial activities of the unit, the following areas were subjected to internal analysis:
There have been no inspections carried out by State bodies in relation to the activities of the unit. The monitoring of the mass media was carried out to identify negative materials regarding the unit. No negative materials were identified during the study period. There were no appeals to the unit from individuals and legal entities. There were no acts of prosecutorial supervision. There were no judicial acts. Based on the above, we inform you that according to the results of an internal analysis of corruption risks, no corruption risks have been identified in the activities of the unit.
I. Introductory part
The object of internal analysis of corruption risks: the activities of the department of the certification center of the JSC “National payment corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter – CC) for the provision of services of the certification center. Internal analysis of corruption risks was carried out in accordance with the Standard Rules for Conducting Internal Analysis of Corruption Risks, approved by Order №12 of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption dated October 19, 2016, by the working group on internal analysis of corruption risks (hereinafter referred to as the working group) on the basis of the order of the Director General of the JSC “National payment corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter referred to as the NPC) dated June 19, 2018 №48-P. The period of the analysis of corruption risks: 4th quarter of 2018
II. Information and analytical part
Internal analysis of corruption risks is carried out by the working group in the following areas:
1) identification of corruption risks in regulatory documents affecting the activities of the CC;
2) identification of corruption risks in the organizational and managerial activities of the Management Center (personnel management, conflict of interest resolution, provision of services, implementation of licensing and control functions, organization and conduct of procurement, other issues arising from the organizational and managerial activities of the Management Center).
As sources of information for the internal analysis of corruption were used:
1) regulatory documents affecting the activities of the UC department;
2) the results of inspections previously conducted by state bodies in relation to the CC;
3) publications in the mass media;
4) appeals of individuals and legal entities;
5) results of customer surveys;
6) other information, the provision of which is allowed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The CC carries out its activities to certify the compliance of the public key of the electronic digital signature with the private key of the electronic digital signature, as well as to confirm the authenticity of the registration certificate in accordance with the Charter of the NPC. The CC does not carry out licensing and control functions in its activities. Conflict of interest settlement is carried out by direct independent subordination of the CC to the Deputy Director General of the NPC. The full-time number of the CC at the beginning of 2018 is 6 people, the current number is 6 people. One of the employees of the Management Center was transferred to another department, there are no dismissed employees. The head and employees of the CC have no relatives in the structure of the National Bank. According to the results of the analysis of corruption risks, there were no discretionary powers and norms contributing to the commission of corruption offenses in the documents affecting the activities of the CC. In 2018 A survey of the CC was conducted by the Commission on accreditation of certification centers of the Telecommunications Committee of the Ministry of Information and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, within which the main tasks and functions of the CC, technical and operational characteristics of the solution, ensuring the information process, ensuring information security were analyzed. The result of the survey was a conclusion on compliance with technical requirements, sufficiency for the organization in the CC services market and the issuance of an accreditation certificate of the certification center №3 dated 23.04.2018. There were no acts of prosecutorial supervision and judicial acts. Negative reviews and publications about the activities of the CC in the media were not revealed. In 2018, an appeal of an individual was registered, which was in the nature of claims against the activities of the CC. Upon the fact of this appeal, an internal investigation was conducted, an individual was provided with a response with explanations regarding the method of interaction between the CC, second-tier banks and second-tier bank customers.
Based on the results of the survey of the clients of the NPC conducted in order to determine the level of satisfaction with the quality of the services of the NPC, the need of clients to improve the quality level, transparency of the services provided by the CC and the level of feedback, in such areas as:
1) increasing the processing speed and normalization of the operability of the services provided by the control center;
2) timely notification of customers about interruptions in work (about planned work and failures in work);
3) increasing the level of feedback on the quality and timing of responses, ensuring automatic registration of incoming requests;
4) training, raising the level of awareness of clients on working with NPC systems. As part of the analysis of procurement activities, the correctness of the organization of the procurement process for goods, works and services was confirmed, including the justification of the procurement method and the availability of documents confirming the choice of the procurement method; compliance of the procurement with the approved procurement plan for goods, works and services. Violations in the procurement carried out in the period 2017-2018 for the implementation of its activities by the department of the Management Center were not allowed. Based on the results of the 2018 inventory there were no shortages of fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as discrepancies in the actual availability of property with accounting data in the department of the Management Center.
III. Recommendations
To continue the implementation of measures aimed at increasing the level, transparency of the services provided by the CC, and the level of feedback from users: 1) Implement a new application software of the CERTEX CMS Management Center; 2) Participate in the implementation of a software solution for the ServiceDesk system; 3) Provide training events aimed at raising customer awareness.
I. Introductory part
The object of internal analysis of corruption risks: the activities of the Department of operational and technical support of the JSC “National payment corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter – MOTS). Internal analysis of corruption risks was carried out in accordance with the Standard Rules for Conducting Internal Analysis of Corruption Risks, approved by Order №12 of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption dated October 19, 2016, by the working group on internal analysis of corruption risks (hereinafter referred to as the working group) on the basis of the order of the Director General of the JSC “National payment corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter referred to as the NPC) dated July 12, 2019 №43-P. The period of the analysis of corruption risks: 4th quarter of 2019
II. Information and analytical part
Internal analysis of corruption risks was carried out by the working group in the following areas: identification of corruption risks in regulatory documents affecting the activities of the MOTS identification of corruption risks in the organizational and managerial activities of the MOTS (personnel management, conflict of interest resolution, provision of services, implementation of licensing and control functions, organization and conduct of procurement, other issues arising from the organizational and managerial activities of the MOTS). The following information sources were used for internal analysis of corruption: regulatory documents affecting the activities of the UTO; results of inspections previously conducted by state bodies; publications in the media; appeals of individuals and legal entities; results of customer surveys; other information, the provision of which is permitted by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with the Charter of the NPC and the Regulations on the MOTS, the main tasks of the MOTS are: organization and implementation of measures for operational support of payment and other systems; organization of measures to improve the technical and operational reliability of payment and other systems; ensuring the operability of the software and hardware complex of payment and other information systems, telecommunications and communications systems, network and communication equipment; ensuring the operability of air conditioners, office ATE, uninterruptible power supply systems; ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the technical equipment of the employees of the NPC; purchase and commissioning of new equipment and technical means; information support for users of payment and other systems; providing feedback to consumers. MOTS does not carry out licensing and control functions in its activities. Conflict of interest settlement is carried out by direct independent subordination of the MOTS to the Deputy Director General of the NPC. The full-time number of MOTS at the beginning of 2019 is 17 people, the current number is 16 people. Two employees were transferred from the UOT to other units of the NPC, one employee was transferred to the MOTS from another unit of the NPC at his own request, there are no dismissed employees. UOTO employees have relatives in the structure of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but they are not directly subordinate to them. There are no facts of affiliation in the procurement process. According to the results of the analysis of corruption risks, there were no discretionary powers and norms contributing to the commission of corruption offenses in the documents affecting the activities of the MOTS. In 2019 The Department of Payment Systems of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducted an inspection (verification) of the organization and functioning of payment systems (hereinafter – verification): the Interbank Money Transfer System (hereinafter – IMTS) and the Interbank Clearing System (hereinafter – ICS), during which the following issues were considered: analysis of technical documentation, the functioning of the IMTS, the functioning of the ICS, analysis of information received from the operational center on payments and (or) money transfers. According to the results of the audit on the main issues of the organization and maintenance of the functioning of the IMTS and ICS, there were no inconsistencies with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on payments and payment systems. At the same time, recommendations were issued aimed at finalizing payment systems in terms of expanding control when parsing payment messages, unifying the features of a payment instrument, as well as updating internal regulatory documents on business continuity. There were no acts of prosecutorial supervision and judicial acts. Negative reviews and publications about the activities of the MOTS in the media were not revealed. Business relations with clients and their satisfaction management are carried out within the framework of meetings, customer surveys, organization of feedback, analysis of complaints and customer requests, planning improvements. According to the results of the survey conducted in 2019, the need of customers was identified in such areas as: timely notification of customers about planned work, interruptions and delays in work; elimination of errors, improvement of systems; increasing the level of feedback; reduction of tariffs for a number of NPC services. A summary table based on the results of the survey is posted on the NPC Internet resource. Based on the results of the analysis of the survey results by the heads of the interested departments of the NPC, comments and suggestions were submitted to the management of the NPC for consideration (memo №4601-33-06/194 dated 28.03.2013). The results of the survey were discussed with clients at a round table at the annual meeting held by the NPC on October 24, 2019. Purchases of NPCare carried out in accordance with the Rules for the Purchase of Goods, Works and Services by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its departments, organizations that are part of its structure, and legal entities, fifty or more percent of the voting shares (participation shares in the authorized capital) of which belong to the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan or are in its trust management, and legal entities affiliated with them, approved by Resolution №192 of the NB RK Board dated August 27, 2018 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). The share of MOTS purchases in the approved amount of the procurement plan in 2019 It is 40.5% of the total volume of purchases of the NPC. The execution of the procurement plan for MOTS at the moment is 87.6%. For the purposes of fair competition and optimal and efficient spending of money, the procurement of MOTS was carried out by competitive methods in accordance with the requirements of the Rules by means of a tender and a request for price proposals, which resulted in savings in the procurement plan. As part of the analysis of procurement activities, the correctness of the organization of the procurement process of goods, works and services, including justification of the procurement method and the availability of documents confirming the choice of the procurement method; compliance of the conducted purchases with the approved procurement plan for goods, works and services. According to the results of monitoring the procurement of goods, works and services under the 2019 procurement plan, no violations were allowed in the procurement of MOTS, no complaints were received from potential suppliers about the procurement procedures. During the tender procedures for the procurement of network equipment maintenance services in April 2019 an officially registered appeal of the legal entity “NEWTECH DISTRIBUTION” LLP (ex. №105 dated 22.04.2019) was received with a proposal to make adjustments to the technical specification. According to the specified request, a reasoned and motivated response was provided by the NPC within the established time limits, containing explanations on the merits of the appeal (ex. №4601-27-01/346 of 26.03.2019, №4601-23-05/481 of 24.04.2019). According to the results of the inventory of 2019. There were no shortages of fixed assets and intangible assets, as well as discrepancies in the actual availability of property with accounting data.
III. Recommendations
To continue the implementation of measures aimed at improving the activities of the NPC, improving the quality and transparency of the services provided. To develop a customer relationship management process in the NPC to increase the level of feedback with them on emerging issues and suggestions, to continue the practice of discussing existing problems at annual meetings with clients organized by the NPC. In order to conduct an extended analysis of the prevailing prices on the market for equipment and software for payment and other systems, when planning the budget, the NPC should request price proposals from three or more potential suppliers, which should include the winner of a similar (homogeneous) purchase conducted earlier.
I. Introductory part
The object of internal analysis of corruption risks: the activities of the procurement sector of the JSC “National payment corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter – MOTS). Internal analysis of corruption risks was carried out in accordance with the Standard Rules for Conducting Internal Analysis of Corruption Risks, approved by Order №12 of the Chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption dated October 19, 2016, by the working group on internal analysis of corruption risks (hereinafter referred to as the working group) on the basis of the order of the Director General of the JSC “National payment corporation of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (hereinafter referred to as the NPC) dated July 15, 2019 №62-P. The period of the analysis of corruption risks: 4th quarter 2020.
II. Information and analytical part
Internal analysis of corruption risks was carried out by the working group in the following areas: identification of corruption risks in regulatory documents affecting the activities of the CL; identification of corruption risks in the organizational and managerial activities of the CL (personnel management, conflict of interest resolution, provision of services, organization and procurement, other issues arising from the organizational and managerial activities of the CL). As sources of information for the internal analysis of corruption were used: regulatory documents affecting the activities of the CL; the results of earlier inspections; appeals of individuals and legal entities; other information, the provision of which is permitted by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In accordance with the Regulations on the Finance Department[1], the FD is part of the organizational and staff structure of the Finance Department (hereinafter referred to as the FD), the main tasks of the FD are: compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the RK) and legal acts of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the NB RK) on the implementation of procurement procedures; preparation and control of the implementation of the procurement plan in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The CL does not carry out licensing and control functions in its activities. The head of the CL is directly subordinate to the head of the FD; the head of the FD, in turn, reports to the Deputy Director General of the NPC. At the same time, the official duties of the head of the CL, the performance of which is influenced or may be influenced by personal interest, as well as the circumstances that are the basis for a conflict of interest, have not been revealed. The full-time number of the CL at the beginning of 2020 is 3 employees, the actual number is 3 employees. While one of the employees is on parental leave, another employee has been hired, there are no dismissed employees. Employees of the CL have no relatives in the structure of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. There are no facts of affiliation in the procurement process. There are no financially responsible persons in the NW. Business planning in the NPC is carried out in accordance with the Rules on Business Planning of the Activities of Republican state enterprises of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Resolution №114 of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 03.06.2016. The business plan is approved by the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. In order to avoid planning excessive amounts, expenditure planning is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the need for goods, works and services, the results of purchases of previous years, available stocks, as well as an analysis of prices for goods, works and services that have developed in the market. When carrying out procurement activities , the NPC is guided by the following internal regulatory documents and regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Rules for the acquisition of goods, works and services by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its departments, organizations that are part of its structure, and legal entities, fifty or more percent of voting shares (participation shares in the authorized capital) of which belong to the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan or are in its trust management, and legal entities affiliated with them, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 27, 2018 No. 192 (hereinafter – the Rules of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan); Procurement Rules approved by the Order of the JSC “NPC of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” №93-P dated December 05, 2018, defining the internal procedure for the implementation of the procurement process (hereinafter – the Rules of the NPC).; Rules for the conclusion, storage and control of contracts, approved by the order of the JSC “NPC of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan” №63-P dated September 20, 2016. Legal support of the procurement process is provided by the General Counsel of the NPC. According to the results of the analysis of corruption risks, there were no discretionary powers and norms that contribute to the commission of corruption offenses in the regulatory documents affecting the activities of the CL. At the same time, there are gaps in the regulatory legal regulation of the procurement procedure in the case when the procurement is not the subject of procurement according to the Rules of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is carried out without procedures for selecting a potential supplier.
In 2017, the Internal Audit Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the TWO National Banks of the Republic of Kazakhstan) conducted an audit in the NPC, including on procurement activities. According to the results of the audit, violations and problems were identified in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, recommendations were given for their elimination and prevention, including recommendations for improving the regulatory framework for procurement activities. According to these recommendations, appropriate changes were made to the regulatory documents of the NPC, an internal analysis of corruption risks was carried out.
In 2018, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved new rules defining the procedure for the purchase of goods, works and services in the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the new edition of the Rules of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, norms and procedures have been introduced to help reduce corruption risks in procurement activities. One of the key areas in the field of combating corruption is the digitalization of the quasi-public sector in order to increase the level of accountability and transparency.
In 2020, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan switched to using the Procurement Portal for the implementation of electronic procurement by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its organizations, which makes it possible to increase the level of control and transparency of the procurement process. Also, work is being carried out in the NPC on the implementation of an automated business process management system, including budget planning and procurement processes, contract management and others. Based on the results of the analysis of purchases of goods, works and services, the following has been established. As of December 1, 2020, 229 purchases were carried out in the NPC. The execution of the procurement plan is 71.25%. Also, in accordance with the cost estimates of the NPC for 2020, 40 contracts were concluded within the framework of civil legislation in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Procurement Rules of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are not subject to the requirements of the Procurement Rules of the NB RK at the supplier’s choice. The total amount of purchases and concluded contracts is 1,067,291.20 thousand tenge. As part of the analysis of corruption risks, a random audit of purchases was carried out. According to the purchases selected for verification, the following were checked /analyzed: the correctness of the organization of the procurement process for goods, works and services; compliance of the conducted purchases with the approved procurement plan for goods, works and services; validity of the decision on the choice of methods of procurement of goods, works and services; absence of overstatement of the planned cost; compliance of a potential supplier with the qualification requirements; selection of a supplier and conclusion of a procurement contract. According to the results of the audit, no procurement violations were detected. At the same time, three complaints related to the procurement process have been received by the NPC this year. After the conclusion of the Contract for the Procurement of OVS Subscription Services by the tender method held on August 24, 2020 (hereinafter referred to as the Contract), the first complaint of the ex was received from Forward L LLP to the NPC. №745/5 dated 08.10.2020 regarding the impossibility of fulfilling the Contract due to incorrect definition of the technical specification in the terms of the tender. A commission specially created in the NPC to conduct an audit on the complaint came to the following conclusion: due to differences in the definition of a state organization under the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the definition of categories and criteria of state organizations for participation in Microsoft corporate licensing programs, the NPC was incorrectly attributed to an organization corresponding to Microsoft’s special corporate offer for state organizations, because In fact, it does not meet the categories and criteria for participation in this licensing program, which led to the inability of Forward L LLP to fulfill the Contract. Thus, by the decision of the Director General, this purchase was found not to comply with the Rules of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and was canceled. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, Forward L LLP was provided with a response (ex. №4301-27-08/860 dated 10/26/2020) on partial satisfaction of the complaint regarding the recognition by the NPC of incorrect determination of the terms of the tender and rejection of the requirements by the NPC for the performance of the contract, as well as reasonable explanations regarding the impossibility of changing the terms of the Contract and concluding an additional agreement on the terms set out in the complaint. The second complaint was received through the Procurement Portal from a potential supplier for the purchase of RAM LLP “UK Company” on 27.10.2020. regarding the unjustified rejection of the application. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint by UK Company LLP, a response was provided (ex. №4301-23-06/884 dated 29.10.2020), containing explanations regarding the grounds for rejecting the application of a potential supplier due to the non-compliance of the price offer with the requirements of the technical specification. The third complaint was received through the Procurement Portal from a potential supplier of Aurora Service LLP for the purchase of air conditioners with related services regarding amendments to the draft procurement contract and unjustified rejection of the technical specification. Based on the results of consideration of the complaint by Aurora Service LLP, a response was provided (ex. №43-01-23-05/962 dated 11/23/2020), containing explanations regarding the grounds for rejecting the application due to the non-compliance of the price offer with the technical specification and the impossibility of making changes to the draft contract. There were no acts of prosecutorial supervision and judicial acts.
III. Recommendations
In order to develop the anti-corruption management system, implement a compliance control structure in the NPC in accordance with the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To supplement the Procurement Rules of the NPC with paragraphs defining the procedure for conducting purchases that are not the subject of procurement under the Rules of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the absence of the need to select a potential supplier.
according to the recommendations based on the results of anti-corruption monitoring and
internal analysis of corruption risks
Measures taken | Received or expected effect |
The anti-corruption standard of the NPC has been developed | Prevention of corruption |
The regulatory documents of the NPC define the procedures and responsibilities of the employees of the NPC for the registration of appeals of individuals and legal entities | Improving the level of feedback |
In order to conduct an extended analysis of the prevailing prices on the market for equipment and software for payment and other systems of the NPC, when planning the budget, price proposals were requested from three or more potential suppliers, which should include the winner of a similar (homogeneous) purchase conducted earlier | Preventing excessive budget planning |
The process of managing relations with clients has been developed, the implementation of measures aimed at improving the activities of the NPC, increasing the level of quality, transparency of services provided has been ensured | Improving the level of feedback, improving the quality and transparency of services provided by the NPC |
The implementation of a software solution for the Service Desk system was provided as part of the implementation of an automated business process management system | Increasing the level of automation, transparency of business processes, improving feedback |
The implementation of the updated software of the certification center of the NPC CERTEX CMS has been ensured | Improving the quality of services provided by the NPC |
Assistance provided by the NB RK in the implementation of innovative projects | Improving the quality of services provided by the NPC |