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Statistical Information on Payments Processed Through,

MSSP, Clearing, SME Payment System, and SMP

in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Month Docs quantity
2022 2023 2024
January 4 972 466 6 323 850 7 531 014
February  6 914 336 7 780 584 9 925 105
March 6 836 185 7 752 593 8 285 689
April 7 036 823 7 300 801 8 950 730
May 6 649 002 7 618 558 8 681 026
June 6 628 771 7 521 267 8 469 154
July 6 740 321 7 972 664 10 121 232
August 7 699 190 9 392 010
September 6 922 614 7 832 537
October 6 721 997 7 908 994
November 7 281 618 8 093 525
December 7 959 015 8 703 549
Total 82 362 338 94 200 932 61 963 950



Month Amount bln.tenge
2022 2023 2024
January 52 688 599 70 488 374 105 767 668
February 56 479 792 70 718 966 114 782 969
March 59 515 056 66 202 428 99 339 846
April 55 929 392 66  957 014 118 393 336
May 53 054 443 81  592 243 126 616 132
June 63 612 579 86  882 789 120 386 007
July 65 612 142 83 812 997 143 616 078
August 72 420 429 79 213 703
September 66 718 464 79 750 923
October 66 539 495 86 471 639
November 87 751 767 103 997 261
December 90 008 333 108 058 990
Total 790 330 491 984 147 327 828 902 036