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Root registration certificates (certificates) of the Certification Authority NPK and a list of revoked registration certificates (certificates) of users of the Certification Authority NPK.

Industrial Training Center:
Industrial Certification Authority: Root registration certificate of the Certification Authority NPK. Algorithm GOST 34.310 Serial number: 1e 97 16 12 b3 4f 8d e4 e8 39 8b da 34 f5 1e f5 3f c6 0f b8 29 cf 7a 07 c0 7a db f5 9f e9 12 0b

Validity period: September 2, 2008, to August 28, 2028.Industrial Certification Authority: Root registration certificate of the Certification Authority NPK. Algorithm GOST 34.310

SHA-1 fingerprint: f3 97 7e b6 ca 40 ea 01 ce c2 91 41 78 4a d3 d0 7c 4a 93 da

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List of revoked registration certificates of users. Algorithm GOST 34.310


Root registration certificate of the Certification Authority NPK. Algorithm sha2RSA (effective from January 3, 2016) Serial number: 68 e7 1e 98 22 1a 75 89 27 e5 79 f7 a1 76 11 04 f5 03 4c d7

Validity period: December 31, 2015, to December 26, 2035.

SHA-1 fingerprint: 3e b2 6c e6 bb 82 43 2e 47 41 89 79 d0 b2 8f 40 11 e5 f2 81

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Revoked registration certificates of users. Algorithm sha2RSA



Test Training Center:
Test Certification Authority: Root registration certificate of the test Certification Authority NPK. Algorithm GOST 34.310 Serial number: 79 52 f7 3c 52 9d d0 0c d5 60 b0 95 3e 4e 31 b1 10 b1 f8 c7 16 d5 42 5f 5f 89 aa 3e 0e 2b 61 0d

Validity period: December 11, 2014, to December 6, 2034.

SHA-1 fingerprint: 26 6b fe 45 b3 5b 89 4b 8b af 3d 0b 8f a7 3f 02 68 2c 2f 5c

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List of revoked registration certificates of users. Algorithm GOST 34.310
Root registration certificate of the test Certification Authority NPK. Algorithm sha2RSA Serial number: 43 cc da db 17 87 84 7c 79 ef df e6 25 53 ae 12 55 fc f9 3c

Validity period: December 15, 2015, to December 10, 2035.

SHA-1 fingerprint: d9 29 c9 07 6b 1b 0a 6f 5b 96 94 66 58 75 a9 ac 61 6b 08 0e

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List of revoked registration certificates of users. Algorithm sha2RSA